delilah lockdown image

Delilah Lockdown.

Delilah Lockdown.

Hi Everyone. Adrian here—owner of Delilah in Brunswick East.

As you are all aware, we are facing one of the biggest global crises of our time: the COVID-19 virus.

We have made the decision to go into lockdown. We are a small space and need time to reconfigure our team so that Delilah adheres to the 1.5 meters square for each person in a room. Under this new rule, every person needs 1.5 meters of space and, as we are a small salon, we can’t adhere to that with all of us working at the same time.

This means that for the next week Delilah will be closed.

To be clear, I feel that these new restrictions are necessary to give us the best chance of recovery from this pandemic. I am glad that the decision was made for public safety at this time.

What does this mean for people that have appointments over the next week?

If you have a booking with us over the next week, unfortunately it will not be going ahead at this stage. WE WILL BE IN TOUCH OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS TO RESCHEDULE YOU. So far, if you have received a link to this post via text/email, you have an appointment in the 1 week timeframe.

What will happen to my deposit?

Please don’t worry, your deposits are safe.

Your deposit will either be transferred to a future booking when we contact you to reschedule (or vice/versa), or refunded to you when we return to trade if you wish not to reschedule.

My focus right now is on my staff and my business. I will be doing all that I can to keep them and the salon safe, supported and future-proof. I wish all of our supporters, clients, family and friends all the best during this very tough time.

Please stay in touch. I will be very active on Delilah social media (including Instagram and Facebook) to stave off my own boredom and remain connected with all of you that I cherish and those of you that need company, as for some this will be a very lonely time.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email

I wish the world a speedy recovery and I hope to see you all soon,


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